Free E-Book: Trading Basics (Part 1)
Master the basics of trading quickly with this easy to understand e-book. Step-by-step it will take you trough some of the most important topics in (day) trading and scalping.
Trading is not an exact science and the possibilities are endless. But every trader needs to know the basics of trading. There is no way around it. Once these are mastered they can be applied to all instruments be they futures, stocks or CFD-Forex.
Don't hesitate to also read Trading Basics (Part 2). Part 2 covers eight topics: resistance and support, divergences, exaggerations, gaps, Fibonacci levels, risk management, important event dates, keep it simple.
This exciting e-book written by the editor of the well-known Traders' Magazine will be a great contribution to your quest for trading knowledge. The following topics are covered in this free e-book:
- Technical analysis
- Fundamental analysis
- Inter-market analysis
- Charts
- Indicators
- Oscillators
- Trends
- Useful links