The Trader Workstation platform from Interactive Brokers has smartrouting..

Smartrouting your orders

Interactive Brokers' SmartRouting advantage provides our clients with the best price execution.

SmartRouting searches for the best available stock, option and combination prices available at the time of your order and attempts to execute the order electronically immediately.

All we can say about the broker [WH SELFINVEST] is 'Top'. – Sacha

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Best order execution with SmartRouting at Interactive Brokers.

"The fair treatment, the fast customer service and the many webinars are also a reason why I don't look too much at the competition." - Detlef

"Your support is really great, I only know this from big companies like Amazon! The explanation is really great, thanks." - Sebastian

  • Unlike other smart routing systems, SmartRouting does not route your order and then forget about it. The system constantly evaluates the rapidly changing market conditions and dynamically re-routes all or part of your order to achieve the best possible execution so as to maximise your savings.
  • SmartRouting displays each component of a spread order independently and transmits each component to the optimal execution venue.
  • SmartRouting Autorecovery reroutes your US options orders in the event of an exchange disruption, with IB assuming the risk of a potential double execution.
  • IB incorporates eight dark pools into SmartRouting's logic to achieve price improvement on large volume block orders and to take advantage of hidden institutional order flows that may not be available on the exchanges.


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Interactive Brokers.

JP Morgan bank.

Broker WH SelfInvest.

A reliable partner

A multi-asset account is opened in your name and at your risk with Interactive Brokers (IB). In addition to our general terms and conditions the account is governed by IB's customer agreement and other relevant documents.

A well-known bank

You can fund your account via bank transfer to JP Morgan. Transfers are only accepted if you include your name and account number in the message field of the transfer.

A legendary service

WH SelfInvest is known for its legendary service to retail clients. This broker wins major awards every year and attracts clients who want to invest or trade in an efficient manner.


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The broker with quality licenses

Offices WH SelfInvest.

WH SELFINVEST S.A., founded in 1998, has a broker license (nr. 42798), a commissionaire license (nr. 36399) and a portfolio manager license (nr. 1806) granted by the Luxemburg Ministry of Finance. The company is supervised by the "Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier". Based on its European passport, the company maintains: a branch office in France (nr. 18943 acpr) which is also subjected to the supervision of the "Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution" (ACPR) and the "Banque de France", and a branch office in Germany (nr. 122635) which is also subjected to the supervision of the "Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht" (BAFIN). In addition WH SelfInvest has a representative office in Switzerland, which is also subjected to the supervision of the "Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority" (FINMA), and, based on the European passport, representative offices in Belgium and the Netherlands, which were notified to the relevant competent authorities in these countries.